A Place of Refuge…
and a Pathway to Freedom
Life Rehab
As a refuge from dangerous and intolerable living conditions, our 24,000 square-foot facility has residential space for up to nine mothers with children and six single women. Each private family space is fully furnished, and all residents have access to a common living room and kitchen. Our facility also includes a chapel, classrooms and outdoor playground.
The residential facility is also the headquarters for our full-scale assistance program called Life Rehab. An expansion in 2015 of our addiction/recovery program, Life Rehab is a multi-phase program that extends over several weeks or months.
In the first phase of Life Rehab we offer a safe and stable environment to program residents. They receive spiritual guidance through Bible instruction, prayer and individual counseling as needed. We also offer preparation classes for those in need of a GED and basic life and employment skill training.
In the next phase, we continue with advanced training for employment application submissions, interviewing skills and budget management. Our residents then have the opportunity to get a job and save their money to relocate if necessary.
In the final phase, Lighthouse provides guidance to residents as they use the skills and insights learned earlier in the program to find affordable housing and a supportive and loving church community. We continue to follow up until their lives are on firm footing.

Harvest is Plentiful…The Workers Few
The work of Lighthouse Rescue Mission can’t be done by only a few. We’re thankful for the assistance of many partners for their spiritual, financial and tangible support.
Make a Difference in a Life Today
Your financial donation today can help a young man or woman free themselves from addiction and find a new life filled with true purpose.
Immediate Needs at Lighthouse
We depend on many partners to supply our daily supplies of paper and cleaning products, food or other miscellaneous needs. Our immediate needs are always changing, and we are always grateful for those through whom the Lord supplies those needs.

The Lighthouse Story
Watch Trish’s Story
From jail to Lighthouse Trish says God has "completely changed her life!" She has reestablished her relationship with her son, has a new job, paid all her fines, and now has a family she never had before .
Watch Sarah’s Story
Sarah was homeless and on drugs before coming to Lighthouse. Now she says she has Jesus as her foundation, a great Christian family, and is healed with a great life now!
Watch Shannon's Story
After coming to the Lighthouse Rescue Mission Shannon’s life dramatically changed. She graduated from college and teaches a Sunday School Class at her church and a Bible Study for women at the Lighthouse.
Watch Aime & Shannon’s Stories
Aime and Shannon took similar painful paths and found their way out of darkness through the Lighthouse Rescue Mission.
Watch Sherry’s Story
After eight years in an abusive relationship Sherry finally got out but soon found herself pulled into drugs. She spent three years in addiction and ended up in jail. After several months, Sherry was sentenced to drug court and to the Lighthouse.
Watch Jana's Story
Jana had a carefree, in her words, “amazingly wonderful childhood.” Both her parents loved her unconditionally and did nothing to push her toward a wrong path. However, she took a wrong turn because of an incorrect knowledge about Jesus and His Gospel.