Help us with your time, talent or resources.
The work and mission of The Lighthouse isn’t reserved to just a few individuals. Without the support of the greater South Mississippi community, we can’t adequately reach the lives we’re called to rescue. Every donation of time, talent or resources, no matter how small, is precious and meaningful. We truly appreciate every person, church or organization that partners with us to change the lives and circumstances of women and their children.
There are many ways you can help, from joining in us in prayer for the needs of our ministry to donating finances and other goods. Check out the different opportunities below where you can truly serve. You can also call us at 601.544.2469 or email us for more information.
Join Us in Prayer
We believe in prayer — and the more specific the better. Here, we will provide a list of our current needs, hopes and wishes for the growth of The Lighthouse ministry.
Volunteer Onsite
We could not provide our life-giving and life-changing programs without the varied skills and efforts of our dedicated volunteers. Here’s how you can make a difference volunteering your time and talents at The Lighthouse.
Harvest is Plentiful…The Workers Few
The work of Lighthouse Rescue Mission can’t be done by only a few. We’re thankful for the assistance of many partners for their spiritual, financial and tangible support.
Make a Difference in a Life Today
Your financial donation today can help a young man or woman free themselves from addiction and find a new life filled with true purpose.

The Lighthouse Story
Watch Trish’s Story
From jail to Lighthouse Trish says God has "completely changed her life!" She has reestablished her relationship with her son, has a new job, paid all her fines, and now has a family she never had before .
Watch Sarah’s Story
Sarah was homeless and on drugs before coming to Lighthouse. Now she says she has Jesus as her foundation, a great Christian family, and is healed with a great life now!
Watch Shannon's Story
After coming to the Lighthouse Rescue Mission Shannon’s life dramatically changed. She graduated from college and teaches a Sunday School Class at her church and a Bible Study for women at the Lighthouse.
Watch Aime & Shannon’s Stories
Aime and Shannon took similar painful paths and found their way out of darkness through the Lighthouse Rescue Mission.
Watch Sherry’s Story
After eight years in an abusive relationship Sherry finally got out but soon found herself pulled into drugs. She spent three years in addiction and ended up in jail. After several months, Sherry was sentenced to drug court and to the Lighthouse.
Watch Jana's Story
Jana had a carefree, in her words, “amazingly wonderful childhood.” Both her parents loved her unconditionally and did nothing to push her toward a wrong path. However, she took a wrong turn because of an incorrect knowledge about Jesus and His Gospel.